Friday, March 13, 2009

But what of Earth by Piers Anthony

But what of Earth by Piers Anthony

Though this is not one of his best pieces of work due to a whole slew of miscommunications, the story leaves much to think about.

What would happen to the earth if the population suddenly started to decline? In this book, Matter Transmission becomes possible and instead of staying on earth to deal with the pollution problems the population created, many decide to matter transmit to primitive planets.

As time goes on the amount, and quality, of people cause the homes in the outskirts of towns to regress to primitive forms of living. Think pioneer days; growing your own food, walking as the only form of transportation unless you are lucky enough to have a horse or two, distant neighbors. Just staying alive becomes a full time job.

So how would you fare if something caused the electricity, water and gas to stop flowing? Would you know how to cope? Could you grow your own food, create your own power for heat or collect your own water for drinking, bathing and gardening?

I couldn’t. Not yet anyway. I’ve been slowly learning how to reduce my footprint on this poor earth, and it’s time that I really start getting as serious about this as I can.

Yes, I realize I am but one person.

I realize that it may not make a whole lot of difference. And that makes me sad. But at least I can say that I TRIED. And if something should happen that creates chaos where we don’t have water, electricity or gas, then at least I will be a little bit better prepared, not only to help myself, but to also help others by teaching them what they can do.

Thus starts my quest to reduce my footprint.


StefRobrts said...

I have thought about this quite a bit. There is a great deal of lost knowledge that was common to our great grandparents, but is a mystery to us. Not surprising, since technology advanced and great grandma said 'thank goodness I don't have to do that anymore', so we bought our canned goods instead of canning them ourselves, and we get potatoes at the market instead of holding them in our own cellar, and we rely on electricity and phones and cars and now the internet for our daily lifestyle. Not that long ago people had to use a horse to get around and know everything about how to take care of that horse too. Or how to raise and kill and butcher and smoke their own meat (I'd be a vegan if I had to do that, I think). But it is interesting that there is such a great deal of lost knowledge there, lost in just a few generations. I don't think we'll ever have to know those things, but it's interesting to think about.

Unknown said...

well said Heidi and Steph! I wonder about this too! I am thankful my mom and dad taught me the value of growing your own veggies, cooking from scratch, canning and cloth diapers! But yes - I too can do more to reduce my carbon footprint on the earth! Thanks for posting something to ponder!