Saturday, October 29, 2016

The assault continues

 August 22nd 2014
I have not missed the bitchy phone calls. I haven't bitten off my nails either. And the lawyer hasn't called. So far so good.
I did get a letter from Dr. Bunch, not that it will will do any good now. But I will keep it on file.
Bob posted on our business page. I got a screenshot of it and it's on file. Katherine also posted, it's on file. Orge replied to Bob with "grow the fuck up, ass hat." I privately thank him.
When I ride, I don't hear mother's voice warning me that "You might get killed!". Thank you, Jesus, for that miracle!

August 24th 2014
Cam had his anniversary parking lot party yesterday. Guess who showed up? Bob. He didn't come inside, thank goodness. But it put me on edge. Should he show up, I've got a plan to turn the camera on movie mode and a place to set it, grab the phone and my clothes rack bar and meet him head-on if I have to. He needs to stay out of my business. Damn, I am really on edge now! And I can't do any sort of restraining order unless he confronts me. Well, if he does, I'm fighting.

August 25th 2014
I've been enjoying not having to listen to mother’s constant bitching. I've gone a full week without biting off my nails. It will take another week before the left fingers will look decent. I chewed them off fairly short.

August 27th 2014
Bob is at it again. He put a comment on Lisa's review of CIC. She told him off. She took a photo of it and I was able to save it. I started looking for a lawyer to write a cease-and-desist letter, which is making him look stupid because now I've got to pay a lawyer instead of paying her.
If he steps foot in my shop when I'm there alone, I have a plan: set up the camera to record, call nine-one-one for police and grab my clothes rack bar.
Sent an email off to a lawyer Mary Sisson recommended. We shall see if he can do a cease-and-desist letter. Hopefully it won't cost too much.... Which makes them look even stupider because now I have to pay a lawyer money that I could be paying to her.

August 29th 2014
Got a letter from Sachman. Mother took me off as power of attorney. Yay.
She has chosen money over me. So be it. She no longer has me as a daughter.

August 31st 2014
Got an email back from the lawyer, $250 for a cease-and-desist letter. Sigh...
Tomorrow is two weeks since I severed ties with mother and the rest of them. And two weeks since I stopped biting. I do not miss the bitching.

September 2nd 2014
I didn't get the job. FUCK.
I got a call from Adult Protective Services. FUCK FUCK.
Maxine is now posting on CIC’s reviews. FUCK FUCK FUCK!
I have an appointment tomorrow with a lawyer to see about a cease-and-desist letter to them.
Sigh... At least yesterday was a good day.
Really sucks about the job. I could have worked for them. Sigh... Oh well.
The guy from Adult Protective Services said Mom claimed I said she couldn't contact me. Geez... I said she could email me. Snail mail would be okay too. I want everything in writing from her from now on. She has told too many lies.
 I bought another Mega Millions ticket. Dear God and Jesus, please let me win enough to pay mother off and secure my home. Please. I can't stand to be beaten down anymore!
On a happy note, my nails are growing in nicely, despite the financial worries.
I would so love to pay her off in full and tell her "You have chosen money over a daughter. I no longer consider you my mother. Goodbye!"
Please Jesus? Please? I would pay her, pay the house and help people with housing, food, bills... I would spread the wealth. Please?
No winning ticket. I just cannot catch a break.
I have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow, though. Sigh... I just want to be done with the whole lot of them. Family is supposed to pick you up when you're down, not kick you, but that is all my relatives have ever done. Sad.
I should try to sleep. I've had a headache ever since I saw Maxine's comment, then the phone call from APS didn't help. 

Friday, October 28, 2016

2014-Shit hits the fan and I go NC

I am using software to track who reads this blog.

August 14, 2014
Oh fuck, shit hit the fan yesterday! Where to start?
I had Martin call her and tell her I had a migraine and to please let me sleep. She took it as “you're not allowed to call her” and started going off the deep end. She called Maxine and cried to her how she was worried about me. She even sent me a message on Facebook, so I called her to get her off the phone to Maxine. She never did say that Martin told her don't call her, just that she wanted to not disturb me. She started in again about the money in her nest egg and “is there some reason you don't want me to have my money?” I told her that I didn't really trust Bob. “How’s he going to get it? Are you worried about me?” told her truthfully that yes, I have seen and heard her do some things that have me worried. Now that didn't go over well! And during all of this I was in chat on Facebook with Maxine. Told her that I see now what she was dealing with and that I was sorry that I allowed mom to drive a wedge between us. I was finally able to get off the phone nearly two hours later and I put in a call to Dr. Bunch. He suggested I call mental health which I did. Mom got right back on the phone with Maxine bitching about me saying that with my depression she didn't think I was capable of taking care of her. My current depression is due to you mother! I called mental health and they suggested I have Mom call them. Yeah, right! They suggested I try to get Mom back on her meds for anxiety. They want me to get her into a doctor. Her appointment isn't until September 23rd, though Maxine says she's coming to visit the 9th thru the 20th, so I'm going to try to change the appointment for sometime in there.
I have an appointment for me tomorrow at mental health. They want to get a support plan in place for me. Mom said something to me while she was on the phone; she wants to “correct the situation” so she is no longer a burden on us. Now, I didn't really catch that until I copied and pasted it to print out for the guy I'm seeing tomorrow. I'm wondering if maybe I should try to drag mom to the Urgent Care Clinic sooner rather than wait till the appointment in September.
At one point I was trying to tell her when my next free day was and she screamed out "When do *I* come first?!" and then started bawling.

 August 17, 2014
I am done with the whole family. Mother has changed stories depending on who she's talking to. Max is going back on what she said about Mom. Bob is bitching me out about the money. Martin said,” Let the Bob without sin cast the first stone.” Made me laugh. Mom called Mr. Sachman, the lawyer, and bawled to him for an hour and a half and he claims he saw no evidence of mental illness. Sigh… I give up. To protect myself I am stepping back. Let Bob deal with her; I don't give a fuck anymore! I'm tired of the lies and deceit that this woman has inflicted on me. She does have a mental illness; it is just like Anita's and no one will believe me until she goes downhill.
Tomorrow in about 12 hours I am pretty much severing ties with mother. I know according to her I will be an awful person and I know Bob has already turned her against me. He sent me a message on Facebook. He can fuck off.
 I knew Max will turn against me because now she looks good compared to me. How quickly she forgot what mother is really like!
We went for a ride today and I apologized to Dad. I think under the circumstances he understands mother is going the same route as Anita, but no one believes me! Oh well, I don't give a fuck anymore.
I need to deliver a message to the apartment manager telling him to rewrite the lease and have mother sign it and take me off. I refuse to be liable for her lease if she decides to move back. Sigh… part of me wishes I had left her ass over there yet part of me is screaming “Yes! Finally free of the bitch!”
When I was riding the motorcycle today, I didn't hear mother's voice pissing and moaning about how I would crash and die, so once I deliver the handwritten letter, maybe her voice will shut up. I hope! I told her to not call me but she is welcome to email me or send a message on Facebook. I restricted that entire side of the family. I definitely want to sever ties with Bob. He has no right to chew me out about using the money! The only one who has that right would be mother, but she would go on and on about it for days, weeks, months, YEARS! I wish I could win the lotto so I can just pay it back all at once and wash my hands of her. As it is, I will have to think about her once or twice a month when I make a deposit.

(Bob sent Martin a message on facebook, too.)
August 18th 2014
It is done. I deposited $203.65 in the account, put the deposit slip in the envelope and put the whole mess on her front doorstep. I am done! I blocked everyone on Facebook, too. So done! I left a note for the manager to rewrite the lease and take me off of it. I want no more to do with her. I'm expecting her lawyer to call but I left the cell phone at home. Aw, shucks. I asked Martin this morning if I should just turn it off since there's no real need for it now. He said he wouldn't miss it.
Well my nails should grow back nicely now. I don't have any reason to bite them off.